The short answer is YES white people can where waist beads…. As a matter of fact, ALL RACES can wear waist beads.
Everyone can wear waist beads but before wearing them people need to answer a few questions.
The first question is do you understand the culture and history behind waist beads?
Have the waist beads been purchased from an African business and the wearer supports black businesses?
If your answers to both questions is YES, then you are not cultural appropriating.
As west Africans all we ask is that if a non-African wants to wear waist beads is that they don’t wear them in a way that mocks West Africans or in a way that tricks people into thinking you are West African.
The definition of cultural appreciation is the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
The definition of Cultural appreciation is appreciating another culture to broaden their perspective and connect with others cross-culturally,
Wearing Waist Beads As Cultural Appreciation
Wearing Waist Beads from an African Business can be seen as a sign of cultural appreciation rather than cultural appropriation.
If a non-African person goes to Africa at the market and want to purchase waist beads from the locals, they will never be turned down no matter what they race is.
Purchasing waist beads in the US
If you purchase waist beads from an ethical business such as Classy Baya which supports and supplies from vendors in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Then you are one step closer to wearing waist beads as cultural appreciation.
Purchasing cheap factory-made waist beads which refuse to even acknowledge or give credit to the origin cultures is the epitome of cultural appropriation